Warm congratulations to the HKSAR for successfully holding the Election Committee elections

來源: 中央政府駐港聯絡辦          發布時間: 2021-09-20

  The Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued a statement on September 20, extending warm congratulations to the HKSAR for successfully holding the 2021 Election Committee Subsector Ordinary Elections, and to the 1,448 winners of the race. The elections were conducted with full respect of the principle of 「patriots administering Hong Kong」, demonstrated the progressiveness and superiority of the revamped electoral system, and represented a major step forward in advancing democracy with Hong Kong characteristics.

  The statement noted that the Election Committee polls were the first major elections following Hong Kong’s fundamental shift from chaos to order. The elections, conducted by the HKSAR government in strict accordance with the law, were fair, open and equitable throughout the whole process of voter registration, candidate nomination, campaigning, vote casting and ballot counting. Candidates conducted extensive exchanges with local residents over their election platforms focusing on the electorate’s grievances, economic and livelihood issues, social progress and the integration of Hong Kong into the grand scheme of national development. This fully demonstrated their sense of responsibility in speaking out for the voters and for the future of Hong Kong. By proactively participating in the elections and lawfully exercising their voting rights, the registered voters expressed the expectations of the electorate, and their support for the revamped electoral system.

  The statement pointed out that the newly elected EC members, from different walks of life, are broadly representative, which testifies to the spirit of equal participation as embedded in the reformed electoral system. Among the winners, there are deputies to the National People’s Congress, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Hong Kong legislative councilors, members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, university presidents, business leaders, professionals, fishers, farmers, drivers, tourist guides and workers. Sitting on the Election Committee for the first time are representatives from district crime fighting and fire safety committees, grassroots associations, medium and small-sized enterprises, and associations of mainland-based Hong Kong residents. Such a composition is a clear demonstration that the revamped electoral system safeguards not only national interests and the overall interests of Hong Kong, but also the interests of different social strata. According to an opinion poll, nearly 70 percent of respondents have confidence in the newly elected EC members in speaking out for the interests of the electorates and for Hong Kong. Public opinion also held that encouraging different stakeholders to narrow differences through the exchange of views can help to solicit diverse opinions and ensure the overall interests of society. We are fully confident that the newly elected EC members will diligently perform their duties, and Hong Kong will usher in a new era of good governance.

  The statement stressed that successful conduction of the Election Committee polls, the first since the electoral revamp, laid down the political rules that Hong Kong must be run by patriots, while anti-China saboteurs must be shut out. The elections helped to set Hong Kong on a path away from the 「vortex of pan-politicization」, and to promote the rational development of electoral culture. It also marked a solid and genuine step in advancing democracy and good governance. It is hoped that Hong Kong will take the elections as the starting point for the society’s return to normality, and that concerted efforts are made to create a brighter future for Hong Kong by nurturing positive energies, and getting people of talents and virtue elected under the reformed electoral system.