鄭雁雄主任發表了題為《讚美東方明珠 祝福龍的傳人》的新春致辭。
An Ode to the Pearl of the Orient and Blessing to the Descendants of the Dragon
In ten days』 time, we will enter the Year of the Dragon. Today, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (CPGLO) is pleased to celebrate the New Year with our fellow friends.
鄭雁雄主任發表了題為《讚美東方明珠 祝福龍的傳人》的新春致辭。
An Ode to the Pearl of the Orient and Blessing to the Descendants of the Dragon
In ten days』 time, we will enter the Year of the Dragon. Today, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (CPGLO) is pleased to celebrate the New Year with our fellow friends.